Welcome to Builder's Masterclass, where we will show you how to utilize some of our very versatile pieces in various ways to enhance your next epic build!

Builder's Masterclass

Dungeon Passages
What are the possibilities when constructing with dungeon passages? Sit in on Professor Nate's advanced building seminar at Dwarven University to find out! For passages 101, we recommend Dungeons Hands On: Passages
Multi-level Dungeon Building
Learn Nate's advanced building techniques for constructing multi-level dungeons with your terrain. Your adventures will never be the same!
City and Castle Compatibility
Did you know our Fieldstone City pieces were designed to work with our Castles? Nate shows you all sorts of tricks for making fortified buildings!
Terrain Trays
We show you how to add new levels of play to City Builder and Castle Builder layouts (or really any kind of build) with Terrain Trays!
In this lesson, we will show off the compatibility of the Wilderness with the City Builder System.
Trollskull Manor
Our guru of customer support, Chuck, brings you a much-requested build from Waterdeep Dragon Heist – Trollskull Manor!
Illuminated Floors
In this column we feature a piece that can add some awesome effects to your builds: the LED Illuminated Floor from our Castle Builder System line.