Talorien - Green Dragon Attack on the Wildlands
This build was for the annual 12x12 Build of Forgemas challenge on the Discord, and is the first Wildlands build we've seen!
Here is what he says about the build:
"Usually I have a story or theme or I am building for a specific encounter, but this time I was just so thrilled to get two things I have been waiting a long time for; The Wiz Kids Green Dragon and part of my Wildlands Pledge! What could be better!? I had to do something using both. Since it's the 12x12 Build Challenge for the Holidays this month I had to get my first Wildlands build entered there. I was going for first Painted Wildlands build on the Discord! Hope everyone enjoys this beast as he surveys the shiny new Wilderness. Can't wait to use both the terrain and the Dragon in actual games!"
For this build they used:
"12x12 Cavern/Running Water Terrain Tray
Titan's Tooth (FS-708, FS-709)
Swamp Banks - Left and Right Swells (SB-709, SB-710)
2 Forest Trail Curve (FF-702)
1 Cypress (SP-707)
1 Regal Rowan Tree (WT-703)
1 Shimmer Frond (FF-707)
1 Hollow Hedge (WT-&05)
1 Nettle Gorse (WT-706)
6 Wild Wolfsbane Patch (WT-715)
1 Magnetic Boulder (FS-702)
3 Wyvern Skull Cairn (AC-719)
1 Creepy Branch Stump Topper (SP-706)
1 Archaean Glowglobe (AC-717)
1 Reality Rupture (AC-722)
1 Vertical LED Socket Rock (MS-720)
And of course,
The Wiz Kids Adult Green Dragon!"