Step-by-step tutorials for painting Dwarvenite by hand. Techniques taught by Dwarven Forge's lead painters.

The videos below demonstrate a variety of different painting techniques. We are continuing to release painting tutorials for our product lines.

Paint Guides

Fall Forest
By popular demand, Hamster leads us through making a custom autumn paint job for our trees! He shares his mixtures along the way, but you can also copy this format and replace it with your own colors to easily design...
Wildlands Flora and Fauna
Wildlands features a lot of beautiful wildlife that vary from the standard paint schemes. This PDF compiles all the plants and trees with a list of every paint we used and how to apply them! This guide will be updated...
The Archaean Ruins
The Archaean Ruins were some of Wildlands' most beautiful pieces. This guide will take you through its simple but elegant paint scheme! Download our PDF Painting Tutorial.
Erinthor Mountains
Our Erinthor Mountains Paint Guide video is ready to view.(Updated June 2022 with correct Product Number on Phthalo Green.) Download our PDF painting tutorial. In addition to Pokorny Paints, this paint guide also uses GOLDEN 4030, Interference Blue.
Dreadhollow 2.0 & Bleakmyre Swamp
Wildlands saw an update to the Dreadhollow Forest as well as its new sister biome, the Bleakmyre Swamp! While similar, they have different finishing touches, and they're both covered here! Download our PDF Dreadhollow painting tutorial.
Classic Dreadhollow Forest
Learn to paint the trees, stone escarpments, and forest floors from the Dreadhollow Forest. For supporting information, download our PDF tree painting tutorial.
Dungeon of Doom: The Burrows
How to paint the earthen burrow tunnels.
Classic Erinthor Mountain
Download our Classic Erinthor Mountain PDF painting tutorial.