Cavernous Chasm Set

Regular price$185.00
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This cool expansion set introduces many new pieces that allow collectors to add a vertical dimension to their set-ups. This set not only allows collectors to add deep dark chasms to their cavernous lairs, but it also introduces stairs, platforms and walkways that add even more vertical elements. There are countless possibilities with this set – and we cannot wait to get these sets into the hands of our collectors so we can see their creative set-ups!

The set contains the following pieces:

MM-032 Cavernous Chasm Set
x4 Curved Chasm Ledge
x2 T-shaped Chasm Ledge
x2 Straight Chasm Ledge 1
x1 Straight Chasm Ledge 2
x1 4”x 4” Cavernous Platform -- great for base of high structure
x2 Small Cavernous Platform
x2 Stalagmite Cluster
x2 Cavernous Narrow Stairs
x2 Cavernous Pillars
x2 Cavernous Walkway
x2 Curved Cavern Wall Filler -- fits behind Curved Cavern Wall so it can be used in the middle of a Cavern

Cavernous Chasm Set