Key Features

a rotating gif of mountain drifttsones upright and upside down to show their multiple uses

Wyverstone Driftstones

Craggy terrain that can flip upside down to become a floating platform.

atmospheric photo of a majestic waterfall flowing into a misty lake, surrounded by craggy mountains

Water Features

Create steep-walled roaring rivers and alpine waterfalls.

gif of mountain escarpments in use with a texture mat and mountain and forest trifecta ledges

Trifecta Terrain

Use the same pieces to make a solid mountain or transition into a river or forest!

205 products
Unpainted Set
Glamourleaf Pack (Unpainted)
Unpainted Set
Crags Bridge (Unpainted)
Unpainted Set
Faerie Glade (Unpainted)
Unpainted Set
Felbourne Trees (Unpainted)
Unpainted Set
Faerie Plants (Unpainted)
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